Sound OHM

Position 1 Colour Red

The Guiding Principle.

It is the width and depth of our knowledge of self that provides us with the type of action we take and gives us the type of existence we experience.

The First Vibration is the hearth stone, the bedrock of our future endeavours. Knowledge is the fuel that feeds the furnace.

The First Vibration is the “WHAT” of any situation.

What do I know about this? What can I do to change this?

General Interpretation

The First Vibration involves our state of being; it describes the doing part of us that is concerned with maintaining our survival of being. In some cases ego is prominent.

It involves Movement, Right Action and Survival. From the meanest form of survival to the spontaneity of direct effective action, the First Vibration does what it is supposed to do in the best manner possible.

It is the PRODUCT we work towards. The PRODUCT of who we are. The PRODUCT or result of our actions.

I am the product, I have knowledge and I operate with confidence and generosity.


Lower spine Coccyx, Sacrum, 2nd to 5th Lumbar controlling lower back, hips spine, legs, ankles and feet.

Prostate, sex organs and uterus. Rectum, bottom, anus.


Regret, remorse, jealousy, stubborness, sexual tension guilt.