Position 4 Colour Green

Guiding Principle

In the 4th Position where the Sound EE resides we find the colour Green and the thought processes that promote Order and Understanding. Here we also find the means for gaining our own freedom and by defining our Uniqueness we gather the means to reach this objective. The journey towards establishing our Uniqueness often involves the growth of an artist and deals with the ‘why’ of any situation. This position promotes and delivers every form and aspect of communication, making it possible for us to explain ourselves. Hence artists, philosophers, sculptors, painters and musicians are born.

General Interpretation

We are brought out of chaos by finding and establishing our scaffolding or understanding and order. The Fourth Vibration works with our ability to classify and orient the structure of our thoughts, speech, actions and expression. It is in our desire to articulate our being that we discover our artistic personality and our uniqueness.

Here is the pigeonhole for our mental notes, it deals with the ‘why’ of all our concerns. We have the sorting table for our sensations, the bureau for our appreciation of beauty.

It is within the duel between order and chaos that we find the propogation bed of our genius. New life, birth and rebirth all lie dormant here waiting and working towards a platform to stand upon.

Why do I see things this way?

Why am I upset by this?

Why do I care about what they say?

Our life, our character is a mosaic.

We choose the pieces and we choose the ultimate design.

Our willingness and capacity will determine the beauty of our final work of art.