Position 3 Colour Yellow

Guiding Principle

The Third Vibration deals with Excellence, specifically Excellence of Performance. It looks to ‘how-well’ affairs are managed. Like knowledge in Position 1 Excellence is not limited by a ceiling; it is an element that has room for constant improvement.

General Interpretation

Moving from the ‘how-to’ in Position 2 to the ‘how-well’ in the Third Position involves a greater awareness and raises the consideration of Effort and Intelligence. We are naturally endowed with innate intelligence, our character and life depend on this. The heart of the matter, however, pushes us towards developing an understanding of genuine effort. Does just showing up at work entitle one to be paid? Where is the contribution?

The value one places on his/her own effort reveals a self-pride that magnetically radiates from the character of one who realises his/her own worth.

The Third Vibration is greatly concerned with Caring and Sharing.

It is where we have the capacity to handle a situation well thus being able to assist and influence others by example.