Guiding Principle

The Second Vibration is based around the How-To in dealing with Change, Maintenance and Communication. It is through constant Maintenance and Training that we stay supple enough to adjust to any given circumstance.

Law Courts today are constantly filling with cases where communication avenues have been exhausted. We have learned to disguise our intentions by saying one thing and thinking another. This is the greatest danger we face and through understanding the mechanics of sounds we have the tools to take action. The story of Babel described the effect of scattering language.


Position 2 Colour Orange

The Second Vibration

Change is where every end

is converted into new means.

General Interpretation

The Second Vibration deals with the manner in which people manage their Livelihood, the manner in which they deal with Change and the way in which they deal with the issue of the Duality that underpins all our actions and lives.

This position specifically asks ‘How will I deal with this situation?’ or ‘How will I maintain or change my present state?’


1st Lumbar and 12th-10th Thoracic

Small/large intestine, Lymph circulation, Kidneys, Bladder, Knees, Appendix, Abdomen and Upper legs.


Restlessness, Impatience, Frustration, Guilt, Sadness/Sorrow, Sexual Indecision

The Duality I face each day is when I weigh up whether to stay safe or whether to activate change.