Search Sounds

CENTRAL PLATE Sound is AH as in cart or laugh Position is Vibration 9

OUTER PLATE which lies below all the other sounds is pronounced OUR as in round or flower. This Vibration underpins the whole structure. It is referred to as the BASE PLATE.


It is misleading to think that each Position on the Wheel is lower or higher than any other position. Position 1 does not equate to a person who is under-developed in any way. Each position as with each vibration have layers of depth, colour and sound. The journey with sound keeps working through and around the Wheel, it moves forwards and backwards as our perceptions change and develop. Simply stated - a person who is resonating in Position 7 Sound OO Colour Violet is no better or worse than a person who is presently residing in Position 1 Sound OHM Colour Red. These subjects are purely experiencing different circumstances on their own path to Transformation and Transition.

Vibration 1 ON OHM as in the words from or upon

Vibrations 2 AY ATE as in the words gate or say

Vibration 3 AIR as in the words fair or share

Vibration 4 EE as in the words sheep or green

Vibration 5 I as in the words high or flight

Vibration 6 OWE as in the words glow or boat

Vibration 7 OO as in the words truth or shoe

Vibration 8 AWE as in the words floor or source


Caught in the Vortex