Caught in the Vortex

The mechanics of a vortex may be found wherever we care to see them.

Look at the sun rising over the ocean and observe the sparkling trail of lights reflected in the water.

The Sound Wheel enables the transition to a more fluid way of thinking, speaking and living. It is through the three plates of the Sound Wheel that the motion of the vortex is established.

The Base Plate is the fixed foundation of this structure. The Middle Plate carries the everyday working sounds and is constantly in motion. The Central Plate is the point of Transformation where the action of the vortex becomes inverted.

As light moves through a prism, sound moves through a vortex.

Through this mechanism it is possible to track particular mindsets that entrain repetitive behaviour. The target of the exercise is to move through the centre of the vortex thus transforming all actions, relationships and outcomes.

The Sound Wheel also predicts the directional flow of the vortex in any particular instance. Phase One is where the vortex spins in a clockwise direction and progress appears logical but proves to be difficult in that the same blocks and disappointments appear at regular intervals.

Be clear, be confident and don’t overthink it. The beauty of your sound cloud is that it’s energy and vibration will continue to evolve. The only consideration that carries weight in the present asks whether what you have done so far has served you well?

The sounds that form the basis of everyday language may be likened to the DNA code of the energy and understanding that is available. Look at the sun rising over the ocean and observe the sparkling trail of lights reflected in the water. Is the reflection only operating in that section you see or is the reflection existing everywhere?

Is the energy and vibration only operating in what we say and hear or does it exist all around us. Are we tapping into this unused source? When a sound is used it creates energy if the sound is absent the energy lies dormant. Each sound in our DNA string connects directly to a particular mindset - decode the sounds; unlock the mindset.

The Sound Wheel is a mechanism that empowers the path to self understanding and transformation.


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Stress is the Tell: