Stress is the Tell:

In times of stress or high energy expenditure the appearance of resonating speech sounds becomes most evident. Children who hurt themselves scream ‘ow’ - pronounced OUR, adults facing frustration often yell ‘how' when seeking answers. More importantly these exclamations hardly ever stand alone very often they are repeated e.g. ‘no, no, no,’ -

This is where my research began. Working with the long-term unemployed on job search projects certain speech patterns became glaringly obvious.

“I’ve been seeking work for three years. I can’t seem to see a way clear. I want to be free of walking the streets.”

Not only was this statement yelled but every ‘EE’ sound was accentuated. Suddenly my world turned upside down, perhaps because of my musical training I began to hear repetitions everywhere and scraps of paper along with tiny books inhabited every pocket and bag that travelled with me.

This journey was exciting to say the least. Partner sounds were soon identified - EE had a habit of occurring with AWE. Think of a donkey! “I’m walking the dream.” “It all feels sore.” OWE and AY (as in SAY) appeared with phrases such as - “I don’t know the way.” “He’s going away.” “The goal is to stay on target.” Hence the Wheel of Sounds began to appear.

It all begins with an idea. Maybe you want to launch a business. Maybe you want to turn a hobby into something more. Or maybe you have a creative project to share with the world. Whatever it is, the way you tell your story defines exactly who you are.

The resonating sounds that occur in our speech carry a deeper meaning that is directly connected to the patterns of our thinking. In essence it reveals our mindset.


Caught in the Vortex